On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s start of working on the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea

The name of the Workers’ Party of Korea is closely associated with the name of 

Chairman Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Korean people. 

Chairman Kim Jong Il, having started working on the Central Committee of the WPK 

on June 19, Juche 53 (1964), formulated the revolutionary ideology of President 

Kim Il Sung as Kimilsungism through his energetic ideological and theoretical activities, 

proclaimed the modelling of the whole society on Kimilsungism as the ultimate 

programme of the WPK, and advanced the line of modelling the entire WPK on 


Thanks to his outstanding leadership, the WPK developed into a revolutionary party in 

which the leaders’ ideological and leadership systems are firmly established, into a 

motherly party which has formed a harmonious whole with the masses of the people and 

serves them, and into an invincible party with iron discipline and fighting efficiency. 

The immortal exploits he performed in Party building are now being brilliantly carried 

forward by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, General  Secretary of the WPK. 

The WPK will, in the future, too, write its sacred history resplendent with victory and 

glory in the course of its development.








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