Comrade KIM JONG IL formed the Workers' Party of Korea into the Party of Comrade KIM IL SUNG-contribution of Martin Lotscher vice-chairman of the European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People, chairman of the Swiss Korea Committee (KFA Switzerland)


At the upcoming June 19 the Korean people and the friends and defenders of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) will celebrate splendidly the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great Leader Comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

June 19, Juche 53 (1964) was the historic day when Comrade KIM JONG IL began his activities at the C. C. of the WPK.

He helped the great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG to guide the Party, the State and the Armed Forces.

The firm goal and determination of Comrade KIM JONG IL was to form the WPK into the Party of Comrade KIM IL SUNG.

He declared the revolutionary ideas of President KIM IL SUNG and his unique ideological system and leadership as the guiding ideology of the WPK.

For that he eradicated all remaining old-fashioned ideas, practices and methods, which came from the influence of foreign "models".

He eradicated once and for all factionalism, dogmatism and formalism.

At the historic 15th Plenary Meeting of the 4th Central Committee of the WPK held in May 1967, Comrade KIM JONG IL, together with the great Leader Comrade KIM IL SUNG, unmasked and smashed the counterrevolutionary plots of the anti-Party revisionists.

He declared the Juche idea, created by President KIM IL SUNG, as the only ideology of the Party.

In the 1960s he analyzed in depth the preceding revolutionary ideas and theories of the working class and said that they are ideologically limited and should not being practiced in the WPK.

He declared the Juche idea as the revolutionary theory and philosophy and as the idea of the era of independence.

The WPK is building socialism in the DPRK based on the Juche idea.

Comrade KIM JONG IL proclaimed the revolutionary ideas and life of President KIM IL SUNG as Kimilsungism.

The day of June 19, Juche 53 (1964) marks a historic milestone in the history of the WPK and socialist Korea.

The sunshine of the Juche idea began to illuminate the whole world.

After the demise of Comrade KIM JONG IL, the respected Supreme Leader Comrade KIM JONG UN proclaimed Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the unique ideology of the WPK.

The WPK is the  great Party of KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL!

Glory to the great Leader Comrade KIM JONG IL, the great thinker and theoretician!

Glory to the Workers' Party of Korea, the Party of KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL!

Glory to the great Juche Idea!

Martin Lötscher,

vice-chairman of the European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People,

chairman of the Swiss Korea Committee (KFA Switzerland)

May 26, Juche 113 (2024)


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