Honouring comrade KIM JONG IL -Speech of Sara Russo, KFA Organisation Secretary Germany

Today we gathered in the Ziegenshalsstätte to honour our great comrade Kim Jong Il and his 60th anniversary of the start of his work at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea.(WPK) 

I speak for everyone here  that we all appreciate his ambition and his hard work in the WPK to proceed to build the WPK as the party of Juche ..

We all should admire and emulate his aspiration, and put all our effort in the Korean Friendship Association (KFA)   to defend the DPRK with no Ifs or Buts!

I'm glad to see more members in the KFA . More motivated members. More members who could support and relieve the weight of the older members who are already doing a lot ! Everyone should put effort into a subject they can do well or they just try new subjects. The number of members doesn't matter in any way. What matters is active , motivated members , who do stuff and provide the KFA with new ideas to support and increase the impact of information, revelation and effect on those who run around with closed eyes and closed ears. Those who don't want to understand.  This is because of manipulation, indoctrination or just because they want to adapt to the mainstream.

It does not matter. As we become larger  and the  more work that we proceed to do, we could spread more information and clarification and the conclusion is that we can reach faster to our goal to support the DPRK with no ifs or buts and guide Germany more into the direction of socialism  to show the perfection of it and the perfection of the Juche idea 

Glory to the memory of great comrade Kim Jong Il 

Long live the DPRK 

Long live marshal Kim Jong Un

Long live solidarity with People’s Korea ! 

And Long live KFA !

Ms Sara Russo, KFA Organisation Secretary Germany


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