KFA Germany's contribution to the event marking the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the work of the great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea

We have gathered here today in a special place to honour the outstanding achievements of a special 


On 7 February 1933, the KPD held its last party congress here in Ziegenhals. At that time, Ernst 

Thälmann led the German workers in the fight against imperialism and fascism. He fought for a 

world of peace and sovereignty. A world in which people are not plagued by exploitation and war, 

but in which they can lead a happy and meaningful life. The Nazis murdered him for this. 

The great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL led the same struggle as Ernst Thälmann. Even as a child, 

he experienced how the US imperialists invaded his country and cruelly destroyed and murdered his

people. The respected comrade Dr Dermot Hudson wrote about the atrocities committed by the 

Americans in the Fatherland Liberation War:

´The DPRK was already facing very seriouse difficulties such as the aftermath of the great 

victoriouse Fatherland Liberation War when the country suffered greatly from the immense 

devestation caused by the babaric bombardment of the US Air Force, which actualy dropped 

more bombs on the DPRK than the real number of inhabitants. In fact, the devastation suffered 

by the DPRK during the Liberation War was much worse than the damage caused by the 1995 

and 1996 floods. During the Korean War (Liberation War), the US was responsible for the 

´destruction of 50,941 industrial enterprises, 28,632 school buildings of all levels, 4534 public 

health facilities including hospitals and clinics, 579 scientific research institutions, 8163 printing

and cultural institutions, and 2,007,226 residences, 7401 churches, chapels, cathedrals and other

institutions for religiouse services disappeared. This brings the total number of severly damaged 

buildings to 2,416,407. 4879 kilometres of railways, 4009 kilometres of roads and 1109 

kilometres of bridges were destroyed, along with 1489 locomotives, 4803 lorries and 6281 fishing 

boats and ships, causing enormous human, material and enviromental damage. 563,755 hectares

of farmland were devastated and more than 155,500 hectares of fice and non-rice paddies were 

lost and millions of livestock were slaughtered or looted, including 369,101 cattle and 764,604 

pigs`. Over 1.2 million people were killed`

Since then, he has dedicated his entire life to the struggle against world imperialism under the 

leadership of the USA and to the welfare of the people. While still a student, the great leader 

Comrade KIM JONG IL wrote the work ‘Characteristics of Modern Imperialism and its Aggressive 

Nature’ in which he not only exposed the true aggressive nature of modern imperialism, but also 

exposed the lies of the revisionists who wanted to make peace with imperialism, which had bombed

Korea only a few years earlier and still occupies and brutally exploits South Korea to this day. For 

example, the 20-hour working day was only recently introduced in South Korea. Such exploitation 

is unmatched in world history. 

Exactly 60 years ago, Comrade KIM JONG IL began his work in the Central Committee of the 

Workers' Party of Korea. He systematised the Juche ideology developed by the great leader 

President KIM IL SUNG, for example in ‘On the Juche Ideology’. A world-famous work studied by

people on all continents. Comrade KIM JONG IL was also heavily involved in developing the 

DPRK into a socialist paradise with the right to work, free health care, free education, free housing, 

cheap food and no crime, drug abuse, taxes or exploitation. The DPRK thus surpassed even 

developed socialist states such as the GDR and the Soviet Union. 

In the 1990s, the DPRK faced major challenges. Revisionism had destroyed the socialist camp, in 

1994 the great leader President KIM IL SUNG died and in 1995 and 1996 natural disasters caused 

severe destruction. The imperialists hoped that they could finally bring their greatest enemy, the 

DPRK, to its knees. But under the leadership of the great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL, they 

overcame all challenges. With his work ‘Socialism is a Science’, he proved to the world the 

superiority of Juche-based socialism and the inevitability of its victory. Even when Comrade KIM 

JONG IL came to power, he made it clear with his statement: ‘There will be no changes with me’ 

that he would defend the socialist achievements. He said of the challenges of the time:

‘No matter how challenging the present difficult march may be, it cannot

be compared with the challenges of the days of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle

struggle, the Fatherland Liberation War and the post-war reconstruction. President Kim

Il Sung led the revolution with nothing but his bare hands and in the long run achieved

a brilliant victory. Now that we have the solid economic foundation he laid

there is no excuse for us not to overcome these difficulties and carry the revolution forward to 

victory. revolution forward to victory.’

Under his leadership, the Korean people overcame the challenges of the difficult march and became

a nuclear power capable of repelling any aggression and defending the socialist gains against any 


Today, Marshal KIM JONG UN is continuing the policy of Comrade KIM JONG IL. Foreigners 

who visited Pyongyang recently noted that the city has changed a lot. Under the leadership of 

Marshal KIM JONG UN, new roads the size of small towns have been built, as well as new 

subways and buses for the convenience of the people of Pyongyang. A new greenhouse was also 

built in which 1800 people work and which supplies the population of the socialist capital with 

high-quality vegetables free of charge. 

Down with US imperialism!

Down with the Yun Sok Yol Puppet Clique !

Long live Marshal KIM JONG UN!

The Generalissimos KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL will always be with us!

Jeremy Bieringer, Official Delegate of the KFA Germany


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