On the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea Speech by Martin M, Chairman Korean Friendship Association Austria

Dear Comrades!

Dear Friends!

The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL has worked on the Central Committee of the

Workers Party of Korea from Juche 53 (1964) for a long time, as the most intimate

comrade of and faithful aide to President KIM IL SUNG, spearheading Korea's history –

past, present and future.

He was 22 years old at that time, being appointed in April and starting his work on June


He had already accompanied President KIM IL SUNG on field guidance and finished

studying at KIM IL SUNG University in Pyongyang. Therefore he already hat early

experience in political work and a vast amount of education to make good use of in the

cause of the people. He refined his skills working for and with President KIM IL SUNG.

This practice was also vital for the mastering of the question of succession in party

leadership. Practically all other socialist nations failed on this matter. Some even collapsed

as the ultimate consequence. In the DPRK, President KIM IL SUNG by and by put political

responsibility on the sholders of Comrade KIM JONG IL. He remained close to the people,

he guided and advised Comrade KIM JONG IL. Other leaders saw themselves as

indispensable and stayed as long as possible or just left, when their term was over

throwing their successor in the cold water, not caring whether they would swim or drown.

Thus we see the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea has maintained a leadership that

is experienced, educated and is up to the job. From the lowest levels of party officials up to

the highest party leadership. A fact that is utterly unimaginable for us living in capitalist

nations, under the heel of US-Imperialism.

Not only that are we totally alien to the bare thought of a population living in honest unity,

support and trust in their leadership. A true government by the people for the people!

Single hearted unity is not just a phrase in Peoples Korea. It is simply a fact.

In Juche 63 (1974) Comrade KIM JONG IL proclaimed the February Declaration. At the

national training course for the Party's information workers on February 19, 1974, de

defined Comrade KIM IL SUNG's revolutionary thought as an integral system of the

thought, theory and method of Juche. Comrade KIM JONG IL systematized Comrade KIM

IL SUNG's revolutionary thought and declared that modelling the whole society on the

Juche idea was the ultimate programme of the Party.

This and famous works by Comrade KIM JONG IL such as ON THE JUCHE IDEA,


REVOLUTIONARY PARTY BUILDING demonstrate for everyone to clearly see the

profound importance of his work as a political thinker. He did not seek new ways, which

would have been a disaster, as we saw in Peoples China with „Reform and Opening Up“ in

1978. He followed Comrade KIM IL SUNGs work on the Juche idea and Songun politics.

He refined them, he applied them masterfully to all aspects of life. On the personal level,

on the economic level, the internal and external political levels as well.

Comrade KIM IL SUNGs ideas were always put the the test of reality and praxis. Like

Lenin said: Only reality can proof a theory true or false.

That is exactly why and how the Juche idea was created and developed further in decades

of scientific study, application and evaluation. Comrade KIM JONG IL masterfully

completed his revolutionary fathers work and ensured the ideological survival of Juche


This scientific method is also the reason why Juche is compatible with Marxism and

Marxism-Leninism. They reach similar conclusions despite having different historical and

geographical roots. They both understand that man makes history and is the master of his

destiny. They both teach that what happened in the past shaped the present. They both

teach that revolutionary struggle is not universal, that socialist construction can not be

executed by blueprint. They depend on the peoples historic, cultural and material needs

and possibilities. Socialism is a science after all.

I would like to come back to „Reform and Opening Up“ for a few thoughts. When China

decided to allow a market economy and foreign capital investment, pressure grew on

Peoples Korea to do the same. Especially in the years of the Arduous March in the mid

90s. Comrade KIM JONG IL stood up and strongly made clear for all „DON'T EXPECT

ANY CHANGE FROM ME!“ Self reliance was always the core of People's Koreas

revolutionary path. When China and the USSR made „helpful offers“ they always came

with strings attached. People's Korea was in danger of becoming dependent an the

goodwill of others. They would have been forced to dance by others tune and face the

consequences, if they refused. Wisely, the Comrades KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL

never fell for these criminal proposals. I am absolutely sure that Comrade KIM JONG UN

is equally wise and won't do fould business wich Russia and China.

Most people don't know that the German Democratic Republic (GDR) supported the

recontruction of the town of Hamhung in the years from 1954 to 1962. The GDR provided

the Metro of Pyongyang with metro cars. They are not in use any longer and have meen

replaced by modern vehicles, as far as I can tell. But the GDR is a good example of honest

mutual support between socialist nations. Cooperation with no strings attached, out of a

pure sense for socialist brotherhood.

Comrade KIM JONG IL understood the historic mission he was entrusted with by Comrade

KIM IL SUNG, the WPK and the People. And he masterfully passed it on to respected

Marshall Comrade KIM JONG UN, though he unfortunately did not have much time. The

greatness and genious of Comrade KIM IL SUNG was passed down the generations


The prosperity for all in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is growing by the day.

Thanks to the hard work of the people, the brave and strong army and the wise leadership

in single hearted unity by the respected Comrades KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL and KIM


My endeavour started about 14 years ago, with curiousity about the DPRK. Curisousity

became support. Support became devotion.

Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!

Down with US-Imperialism and it's lackeys!

김일성동지 만세 !

김정일동지 만세 !

김정은동지 만세 !

Thank you.

Martin M


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