The Exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il in Guiding the Workers' Party of Korea-contribution of Jean Claude Martini-KFA OD for Italy Director of the Juche Idea Study Center of Tuscany and the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Fermo Study Group


Korean Friendship Association



16 – 05 – 2024

May 16th, Juche 113



The Exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il in Guiding the Workers' Party of Korea



60 years ago, the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il started his work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Its iconic headquarters, located in a beautiful spot in the capital city of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, witnessed Comrade Kim Jong Il's indisputable genius and outstanding leadership abilities when the world were upturned by the imperialists' manoeuvers for invading Vietnam, the victories of the people's revolutions in Cuba and Algeria and the ideological disputes within the international communist movement.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il started his work at the WPK Central Committee after three years of prominent revolutionary activities as a full-fledged Party member, being such from July 22, 1961.

Already in those years, he made public such important ideological and theoretical works as On the Inevitability of the Collapse of the Imperialist Colonial System (March 9, 1961), On the Reactionary Nature of Modern Revisionism and Our Party's Revolutionary Stand in the Anti-Revisionist Struggle (December 29, 1962), The Leader of the Working Class Plays a Decisive Role in the Revolutionary Struggle (June 12, 1963), A New Era Requires a New Idea (July 19, 1963) and his masterpiece, The Characteristics of Modern Imperialism and Its Aggressive Nature (January 15, 1962). He also made public a lot of works on the socialist construction in the DPRK, including his graduation thesis, The Status and Role of the County in Socialist Construction (March 18, 1964). Volume 1 of Kim Jong Il's Selected Works (Enlarged edition), which includes them all and was published in 2014 by the Pyongyang Foreign Languages Publishing House, deserves to be studied by all progressive, socialist and communist people the world over for the answers the works recollected there provide to the frequently asked questions about the Juche idea and the stands taken by the WPK in the complex historical events of that era.

But his Party leadership did not start in the 1960s.

In fact, when he studied at the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School, he formed a group for the studying of the Short Biography of General Kim Il Sung shortly after its publication in 1952. Later on, he conceived and organized the first visits with his fellow students at the revolutionary battle sites and, in December 1956, he joined the then Democratic Youth League; after working as chairman of the committee of a primary organization of it, he was elected deputy chairman of the DYL committee of the Pyongyang Middle School no. 1, which he attended back then.

His foreign visits in 1959 and 1965 with the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, together with his deep and meticolous study of Marxism-Leninism and the revolutionary ideas of the President, led him straightforward along the path of revolution, which he always followed without any hesitation. Grasping its deep scientifical meaning, he helped create, on the basis of the Juche idea he assimilated and later developed, the monolithical ideological system after the defeat of the counter-revolutionary factionalist clique at the end of the 1960s. Later on, he synthesized the revolutionary ideas of President Kim Il Sung into Kimilsungism and provided a fresh basis on which to unite the whole Party and all society. This is the meaning of the slogan, advanced at the 6th Party Congress in October 1980, to «model all society on the Juche idea».

The successful transformation of the whole Party and society made it possible to defend the ideological, political, social and moral integrity of the DPRK before the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the socialist system in the Eastern Europe and other countries, and build the ideological foundations for the powerful socialist country which became a nuclear power at the onset of the new century.

In the last decade of the latter, he made public such inestimable works such as The Workers' Party of Korea Organizes and Guides All the Victories of Our People (October 3, 1990), Juche-oriented Theory on Party Building Is a Guideline to Be Adhered to in the Building of a Working-class Party (October 10, 1990), On the Fundamentals of Revolutionary Party Building (October 10, 1992) and The Workers' Party of Korea Is the Party of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung (October 2, 1995).

Today the imperishable achievements of Chairman Kim Jong Il in the Party building are being inherited and further developed by the seasoned leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, outstanding theoretician and great leader of the revolution. Thanks to masterpiece of his, such as Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Party (April 6, 2012), The Cause of the Great Party of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Is Ever-Victorious (October 4, 2015) and Making Selfless, Devoted Efforts for the Good of the People Is the Mode of Existence and Source of Invincible Might of the Workers' Party of Korea (October 10, 2015), and the five-point line on Party building, set forth by him, now we can say that the Juche scientific ideology has elaborated a full and deep theory on party building, thus filling another ideological, historical and theoretical “hole” left open by the preceding revolutionary ideology of the working class.

Having defined Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the sole guiding idea of the Workers' Party of Korea, he established a monolithical leadership system within the Party, so that the WPK, the people, the government and the army are all united under the unfurled red banner of the revolutionary ideas of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un. As long as they will advance along the bright road indicated by him, the future of the DPRK is sure to be rosy and only victory and glory will be in store for them and for the revolutionary cause of Juche, which unites the Korean people and the progressive people the world over.


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Jean-Claude Martini

KFA OD for Italy

Director of the Juche Idea Study Center of Tuscany

and the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Fermo Study Group


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