The exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il - 60 years ago His Excellency Comrade Chairman Kim Jong Il began his work in the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea -Mikel Vivanko – Official Delegate – KFA Spain.

 The exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il -

60 years ago His Excellency Comrade Chairman Kim Jong Il began his work in the Central

Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

That day in 1964 was truly a milestone in the history of Songun Korea, because, thanks to the

Dear Leader, the path and revolutionary legacy of Eternal President, His Excellency Kim Il

Sung, was consolidated, continued and strengthened.

It is truly a great day of celebration, both for the Korean Masses and for the progressive

people of the planet fighting for independence and socialism, since we know that the activity

of the Eternal General Secretary contributed to the consolidation of the Party around the great

Kimilsungism, the Juche Idea and the Songun Politics, being truly a Mother Party that seeks

above all the well-being of the People.

Currently, thanks to the leadership of His Excellency, Dear General Secretary Kim Jong Un,

at the head of the glorious WPK and the Korean Masses, we know that this path is firmly

defended with total security in this new era, within the construction of a socialist nuclear giant

such as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The progressive peoples of the planet are

grateful to him and them for this, and we promise to always be at their side in the

internationalist anti-imperialist struggle.

Long live Comrade Kim Jong Il and the Party!

Mikel Vivanko – Official Delegate – KFA Spain.


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