THE GREAT EXPLOITS OF COMRADE KIM JONG IL IN LEADING THE GREAT WORKERS PARTY OF KOREA !-Dr Dermot Hudson , Chairman of KFA UK , Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea , secretary general ERCFKP

On the 19th of June it will be the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea . June 19th is a day engraved in the history of Juche-party building and indeed in the history of the international communist movement .

The young comrade KIM JONG IL started working at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on the 19th of June 1964 after having joined the party three years before on the 22nd of July 1961. During his time at KIM IL SUNG University the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL  wrote many theoretical works such as  “The Characteristics Of Modern Imperialism And Its Aggressive Nature” , On the Appearance of Modern Revisionism " and " On the Reactionary Nature of Modern Revisionism and Our Party's Revolutionary Stand in the Anti-revisionist Struggle” which distinguished him as an outstanding theoretician and writer . Working at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea(WPK) was a natural choice for comrade KIM JONG IL .

When comrade KIM JONG IL started working at the Central Committee of the WPK conditions were far from ideal . Not only had the US imperialists and ROK puppets intensified their anti-DPRK moves against the DPRK but modern revisionism was spreading like a virus through the international communist movement causing splits and divisions . The revisionists and big-power chauvinists who were the hidden fifth column of imperialism in the international communist movement tried to put pressure on People’s Korea to abandon the revolution and take the road of capitulation like they had.

 Comrade KIM JONG IL  always stressed the need to hold firmly to the revolutionary line of Juche.The day after he started work at the Central Committee of the WPK , comrade KIM JONG IL wrote that ‘ Now is the time for us to hold the red flag higher . We should fight more staunchly to accomplish the cause of the leader ,holding aloft the red flag of the revolution , whatever difficulties and trials may confront the revolution ‘(KIM JONG IL Selected Works Vol 2 page 2)

During his time working at the central committee of the Workers Party of Korea comrade KIM JONG IL put tireless energy into building the Workers ‘ Party of Korea up as the Party of Juche . The Workers Party of Korea (WPK ) is a true party of Juche totally distinct from the former revisionist ruling parties of the USSR and elsewhere , also different from non ruling communist parties not to mention social democratic parties . 

 Establishing Juche in party building meant not only was the WPK independent in its policies and outlook but rejected both revisionism and dogmatism . Comrade KIM JONG IL ensured that the WPK fought against revisionism and upheld the great Juche  idea authored by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG . Comrade KIM JONG IL strived to establish the monolithic ideological system of Juche.

At the same time  comrade KIM JONG IL steered the WPK to avoid the traps of dogmatism . He organised an intensive review of the classic works of Marxism-Leninism .  For comrade KIM JONG IL the classic works of Marxism-Leninism should be studied but not as some kind of tablet of stone or a sacred text . This was a refreshing approach .

Comrade KIM JONG IL worked to model the WPK on the Juche idea and make it the party of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG .

At the same time grasping the core of the Juche idea that the popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction  comrade KIM JONG IL established a popular work style in the WPK and fought against bureaucracy . He made sure that the great Chongsan Ri Method and Chongsan Ri spirit  created by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG was thoroughly applied . Thus the WPK is deeply rooted  in the masses of people.

Today the WPK shines as a Party of Juche , a party of independence and militant anti-imperialism with its own guiding idea , the Juche idea and a party which is not just a mass party in terms of numbers but has members from all walks of life. Today under the guidance respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  , the successor to comrade KIM JONG IL , the Workers Party of Korea continues the work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL.

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman European Regional Committee  for Friendship with the Korean People

Vice-chair OCIFPGPP 

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

President Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK 


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