The Great Guide of Juche-Party Building -special article for the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea


The importance of the Workers Party of Korea in building socialism and as an engine of the revolution in People’s Korea can never be overstated . Therefore the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK ) is an anniversary of vital importance because of the central , leading role of the WPK .

It was on the 19th of June 1964 that comrade KIM JONG IL started work at the Central Committee of the WPK having joined it nearly 3 years earlier on the 22 July 1961 . Comrade KIM JONG IL was already very well versed in ideology and theory having written many important works even as a university student including  “The Characteristics Of Modern Imperialism And Its Aggressive Nature” and the “Status and Role of the County in Socialist Construction “. Comrade KIM JONG IL could have worked in other sectors of the country but chose to work at the Central Committee of the WPK . He had been urged to do so by anti-Japanese revolutionary veterans.

When he started working at the Party centre ,comrade KIM JONG IL declared that "Now that I am to work at the Party Central Committee, my shoulders are heavy with a sense of responsibility for the Korean revolution.

"The Party Central Committee is the General Staff of the Korean revolution and the highest leadership of the revolution which guides politics, the economy, culture, military affairs and all other sectors of the country. The future and the destiny of our country and our people depend on how the officials at the Party Central Committee work.

"As I start working at the Party Central Committee, I am more firmly determined than ever to work wholeheartedly under the sagacious leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung for the prosperity of the country and for the freedom and happiness of the people.

Comrade KIM JONG IL’s guidance to the WPK over many decades further solidified the Workers Party of Korea into a most powerful Juche-oriented revolutionary party . He strongly opposed modern revisionism , opportunism and factionalism which in those days spread across the socialist camp and the international communist movement like a plague but thanks to the leadership of comrade KIM JONG IL it did not penetrate into the WPK and DPRK .

It was comrade KIM JONG IL who fought to establish the monolithic ideological system .He argued that ;

The Party's monolithic ideological system is, in other words, the leader's ideological system and system of guidance. In our Party there can only be the leader 's revolutionary idea and guidance. Without them the existence of our Party is inconceivable. The revolutionary idea of the great leader is the eternal guiding ideology of our Party and revolution. Thanks to the wise guidance of the leader our people could not only victoriously fight their way across tens of thousands of ri in the bloody war against the Japanese imperialists, and defeat the US imperialist aggressors, in the three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War, but also succeed in the postwar reconstruction and socialist revolution and achieve miraculous successes in the building of socialism, to the admiration of the people throughout the world.

We must improve the education on Party policy, the revolutionary traditions and socialist patriotism of Party members and the working people. The main emphasis in the education need s to be on the establishment of the Party' s monolithic ideological system”.

When some socialist countries towards the end of the 1970s put forward strange and curious policies , it was comrade KIM JONG IL who put forward the militant slogan “ Let Us Let Our Own Way “ on  the 25th of December 1978 which was a militant declaration that the WPK would unswervingly advance along the road of Juche no matter what pressure was applied and no matter which wind was blowing into the country .

Moreover comrade KIM JONG IL always stressed not only defending the purity of the thought of President KIM IL SUNG but also to uphold the revolutionary traditions of the WPK which went back to the formation of the Down With Imperialism Union in October 1926 .

Thanks to the guidance of comrade KIM JONG IL over many decades the WPK was able to become a steel strong party of Juche which upheld the red flag of socialism even in the most difficult or trying circumstances.

The work of comrade KIM JONG IL in Juche -party building laid the foundation today’s WPK led by dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN which is daily leading the people towards the bright morrow of socialism and communism .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

Vice-Chair OCIFGPP


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