
Showing posts from June, 2024

Report of Hybrid Event “Exploits of comrade KIM JONG IL in Juche–Party building” 19.06 .2024

                                                                                    The hybrid seminar “Exploits of comrade KIM JONG Il in Juche -party building “  to mark the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea took place on the 19th of June both online via Skype and in the Kom Treff Centre in Berlin at 1630 hours German time. The event took place under the auspices of the European Regional Committee For Friendship with the Korean People and the Korean Friendship Association(KFA)   of Germany . Attending the meeting in person were members of KFA Germany , the Juche Idea Study Group of Germany , the Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) and the Denmark -DPRK Association.A honoured diplomatic representative of the DPRK from the Embassy of the DPRK in Berlin also attended the meeting. The meeting was participated in online by friends of People’s Korea from  Austria, Croatia , Denm

KFA Germany's contribution to the event marking the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the work of the great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea

We have gathered here today in a special place to honour the outstanding achievements of a special  man.  On 7 February 1933, the KPD held its last party congress here in Ziegenhals. At that time, Ernst  Thälmann led the German workers in the fight against imperialism and fascism. He fought for a  world of peace and sovereignty. A world in which people are not plagued by exploitation and war,  but in which they can lead a happy and meaningful life. The Nazis murdered him for this.  The great leader Comrade KIM JONG IL led the same struggle as Ernst Thälmann. Even as a child,  he experienced how the US imperialists invaded his country and cruelly destroyed and murdered his people. The respected comrade Dr Dermot Hudson wrote about the atrocities committed by the  Americans in the Fatherland Liberation War: ´The DPRK was already facing very seriouse difficulties such as the aftermath of the great  victoriouse Fatherland Liberation War when the country suffered greatly from the immense  d

Floral Basket to Statues of Great Leaders from Abroad

Pyongyang, June 19 (KCNA) -- The European Regional Committee for Friendship with the Korean People sent a floral basket to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill here on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. The floral basket was laid at the statues of the great leaders on Tuesday. -0- (Juche113.6.19.)

The Great Guide of Juche-Party Building -special article for the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea

   The importance of the Workers Party of Korea in building socialism and as an engine of the revolution in People’s Korea can never be overstated . Therefore the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL at the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea (WPK ) is an anniversary of vital importance because of the central , leading role of the WPK . It was on the 19th of June 1964 that comrade KIM JONG IL started work at the Central Committee of the WPK having joined it nearly 3 years earlier on the 22 July 1961 . Comrade KIM JONG IL was already very well versed in ideology and theory having written many important works even as a university student including  “ The Characteristics Of Modern Imperialism And Its Aggressive Nature ” and the “ Status and Role of the County in Socialist Construction “. Comrade KIM JONG IL could have worked in other sectors of the country but chose to work at the Central Committee of the WPK . He had been urged to do s

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s start of working on the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea

The name of the Workers’ Party of Korea is closely associated with the name of  Chairman Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Korean people.  Chairman Kim Jong Il, having started working on the Central Committee of the WPK  on June 19, Juche 53 (1964), formulated the revolutionary ideology of President  Kim Il Sung as Kimilsungism through his energetic ideological and theoretical activities,  proclaimed the modelling of the whole society on Kimilsungism as the ultimate  programme of the WPK, and advanced the line of modelling the entire WPK on  Kimilsungism.  Thanks to his outstanding leadership, the WPK developed into a revolutionary party in  which the leaders’ ideological and leadership systems are firmly established, into a  motherly party which has formed a harmonious whole with the masses of the people and  serves them, and into an invincible party with iron discipline and fighting efficiency.  The immortal exploits he performed in Party building are now being brilliantly carried

Under the brilliant guidance of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, the Workers' Party of Korea has achieved unprecedented victories in the struggle for the independence and prosperity of the Korean people.-KFA Poland

 With his boundless wisdom and unwavering dedication, Comrade Kim Jong Il has led the Party to overcome countless challenges and obstacles, navigating the treacherous waters of imperialism and reactionary forces. Through his visionary leadership, Comrade Kim Jong Il has implemented a series of innovative policies and initiatives that have transformed the very fabric of our great nation. The Songun politics, which prioritizes the military as the pillar of the revolution, has enabled our country to emerge as a powerful and dignified nation, respected by the international community. Under his wise leadership, our country has made tremendous strides in the fields of science, technology, and culture. The development of our nuclear deterrent, a symbol of our national pride and sovereignty, is a testament to Comrade Kim Jong Il's unwavering commitment to the defense and security of our great nation. Moreover, Comrade Kim Jong Il's tireless efforts to promote the Juche idea, which emph

Video-KIM JONG IL -The Benevolent Party Centre


KIM JONG IL -Brief History




The Great Party of Juche -Dr Dermot Hudson


KIM JONG IL -Father of the People -KFA Finland

"Kim Jong Il was like a father of the people. He took care of the people and never took a break.  I have heard from somewhere that he would only take a break when DPRK is a prospering socialist state.  Kim Jong Il and his dear father were the ones who developed the Juche Idea." KFA Finland

The outstanding achievements of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL in creating a socialist Korea.-Thomas Loesch, Chairman of the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism study-group in Austria

Leader Kim Jong II was born on the 16. February 1942 in the secret camp of Mount Paektu, during the fatherland liberation war. From his early childhood on, Kim Jong Il was always on the side of Leader Kim Il Sung. In 1945 the Korean people under the leadership of leader Kim Il Sung defeated the Japanese Imperialists. In the year 1950 the USA, together with the south Korean puppet regime started war against the DPRK. In a three-year long war, the Korean people’s army under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, defeated the US- Imperialists and their allies. The Juche-Ideology created by the great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is the guiding line for the Korean people in their struggle for independence and sovereignty. From his childhood on, the dear Leader Kim Jong Il studied very intensive the works and speeches of President Kim Il Sung. When he was a student, he taught his colleges and even his teachers about the works of his father. In 1982 he systemized the thoughts and speeches of

Contribution of Iuliean Hornet, President Romania-Korea Friendship Association

 To European Committee for the friendship with the Korean people It is great honor to participate at the seminar on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Chairman KIM JONG IL’s start of work at the Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea, as the president of Romania-Korea friendship association. Chairman KIM JONG IL is an outstanding leader and peerless patriot who opened up a new history of prospering socialist Korea with his outstanding idea, leadership ability and matchless patriotic devotion. The most precious patriotic exploit performed by the Chairman is that he vigorously built the driving force, the foundation of building a powerful country. He started his work at the WPRK Central Committee on June 19, 1964. This was a historic event of epochal significance in the consolidation and the development of the WPK. He had worked heart and soul to develop the WPK into the eternal party of the President. He proclaimed the modeling the whole society on Kimilsungism as the sup

The exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il - 60 years ago His Excellency Comrade Chairman Kim Jong Il began his work in the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea -Mikel Vivanko – Official Delegate – KFA Spain.

 The exploits of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il - 60 years ago His Excellency Comrade Chairman Kim Jong Il began his work in the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. That day in 1964 was truly a milestone in the history of Songun Korea, because, thanks to the Dear Leader, the path and revolutionary legacy of Eternal President, His Excellency Kim Il Sung, was consolidated, continued and strengthened. It is truly a great day of celebration, both for the Korean Masses and for the progressive people of the planet fighting for independence and socialism, since we know that the activity of the Eternal General Secretary contributed to the consolidation of the Party around the great Kimilsungism, the Juche Idea and the Songun Politics, being truly a Mother Party that seeks above all the well-being of the People. Currently, thanks to the leadership of His Excellency, Dear General Secretary Kim Jong Un, at the head of the glorious WPK and the Korean Masses, we know that th

Always among the people-Marta Grelak , Warsaw Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Soon, on the 19th of June, the Korean people will proudly celebrate the 60th anniversary of the start of work of the great Leader Chairman Kim Jong Il at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. Friends of Korea, progressives of the world who admire the DPRK for always advancing along the road of independence and justice and for having the most amazing strength in the world with which it does wonders in spite of any difficulties and roadblocks thrown up by hostile forces, will celebrate together with Koreans. The day six decades ago, the 19th of June 1964, is a date of enormous significance, as the achievements Chairman Kim Jong Il made during decades of his self-sacrificing work for the development of the WPK and the Korean revolution, for defending the happiness of his beloved country and people, were epochal and immortal. His glorious legacy will last forever. The approaching extremely important anniversary makes us, friends of Korea, think of his brilliant achievem

Contribution of the German Group for the Study of Korean Culture


ABOUT THE PLACE OF KIMILSUNGISM-KIMJONGILISM IN MODERN CONDITIONS OF THE NATIONAL AND SOCIAL LIBERATION STRUGGLE OF THE PROLETARIAT AND ITS LABOUR ALLIES- L. Shkolnikov, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, First Secretary of the Republican Committee of the BRO CPSU, Chairman of the Permanent Presidium of the Society of Friends of the Korean People named after Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il (Belarus)

  Доклад на европейскую конференцию, посвящённую 60-летию начала работы тов. Ким Чен Ира в ЦК ТПК. Л.Школьников ============================ =========================== О МЕСТЕ КИМИРСЕНИЗМА-КИМЧЕНИРИЗМА В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ УСЛОВИЯХ НАЦИОНАЛЬНО- И СОЦИАЛЬНО-ОСВОБОДИТЕЛЬНОЙ БОРЬБЫ ПРОЛЕТАРИАТА И ЕГО ТРУДОВЫХ СОЮЗНИКОВ. Если  сделать краткий исторический экскурс, то можно усмотреть три основных этапа (периода) революционного движения мирового пролетариата и его трудовых союзников – трудового крестьянства и народной интеллигенции.  Это, во-первых, теория и практика периода марксизма, когда была рождена  пролетарская наука об общественной жизни и совершены первые попытки овладеть этой наукой  и задействовать её в революционной практике. Это, во-вторых, теория и практика периода марксизма-ленинизма, когда успешное практическое применение В.И.Лениным творческого марксизма для прорыва мировой капиталистической системы, вступившей в стадию империализма,  привело к достижению первой в истории человече